«ChTZ» JSC has test center “Transformer”, as well as central and metrological laboratories and certification bureau, which are the only ones accredited in Central Asia.
The main task of the certification bureau of the testing center is to coordinate all the operations of the enterprise’s departments, which is necessary for the certification of finished products of “ChTZ” JSC.
The structure and equipment of the “Transformer” test center allows to conduct high-quality and timely of all categories of tests of transformers and KTP type products in accordance with the scope of accreditation.
As part of the test center are functioning:
Two pre-testing stations where tests are carried out after all intermediate stages of transformer assembled, which improves the quality of product control;
- A final test station for power and measuring transformers where all necessary tests of finished products are carried out for compliance with the requirements of interstate standards, programs and test methods for products. The station is divided into four independent test sites, which allows to simultaneously perform various tests on different samples of products. The installed power equipment allows, among other things, to conduct tests for heating transformers with a power of up to 63000 kVA.
- At the same station, tests are carried out on the mechanical strength of transformers’ tanks, as well as acoustic tests.
- stations for testing of KTP items, at which all necessary tests of complete transformer substations and its components and blocks are carried out for compliance with the requirements of interstate standards, programs and testing methods for products.
- To test and configure the parameters of differential relays and current protection, as well as controllers using processor technology, the “RETOM” firmware complex is used;
- laboratory of impulse tests, which included the unique equipment produced by the German company WEB-TÜR - impulse voltage generator with amplitude up to 2000 kV
- machine room, in which more than ten electric machine generating agregates with associated switching, control and adjusting equipment are installed. The power of generating aggregates more than 7500 kVA, nominal voltage 0,4 and 6,3 kV.
As part of the central laboratory are functioning:
• sanitary laboratory;
• electromagnetic laboratory;
• mechanical laboratory;
• chemical laboratory;
• electrical insulation laboratory.